Today the kittens got their Feline Distemper and upper respiratory combo vaccines. They will have a booster vaccine in a month with their new owners' veterinarians. Also it was a nice evening with friends from Seattle coming down for a kitten visit. Thank you for making the drive! We got the wands out and tried to tire the kittens... . Several of the little boy kittens were running around 'crazed' (about the feathers) with their little mouths open eyes fixated.. ignoring everyone and everything but the toys. The first round of saliva testing went well. We are planning on completing the series of three tests by next Thursday and mailing them to arrive by Monday the 8th at Indoor Biotech. The goal will be to have the results the week of the 15th. I will ask everyone to email me again or call and let me know which kittens you like the look of most and which least, as well as what type of personalities you prefer and how busy your house is with visitors.
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