Where is everybody?Soccer part two..Donut BallRoshanWrestling!..
Ruz, aka Darcy (red) and Roshan were neutered today, Ruz got a microchip and all were vaccinated for Fvrccp this weekend..and got a treatment of Revolution. All got a thumbs up from Dr. Kim.. and are very sleepy.
Raisa, Ruz, Roshan and Rayna were fabulous at the photo session. Ruz took the cake for being such a star and Posing over and over. He didn't not want to leave the stage!!! HI! Here is a great website for the Siberian owner (or any cat owner or Siberian enthusiast).
This link lists ideas for caring for the new kitten in new surroundings.... http://siberianresearch.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=104&Itemid=58 Roshan: White with bicolor markings and a few spots. Big boy with intense blue eyes. .. cute now.. handsome later.Rayna Sasha: Blue eyed blue point with white socks.. what a cute girl! Note the 'true color' is shown in two photos below.Ruz: red mackerel tabby male,.. built like a tank.Raisa, stocky blue female with four white socks and a bib..Ruz - Red mackerel tabby with green eyes.Here is Ruz. Also known as Moose. Confident, large, roly poly... tonight he had his sisters head inbetween his paws and he was grooming her just like Dori 'mama' does. Moose is great - typical of this litter and of all Dori kittens - no edginess, no nervousness... all lion - In one of the videos the dog sat on the couch to see what was going on and Ruz gave a little silent hiss at the dog... he was not afraid! Moose gets handled and carried around the house a lot. This whole litter is being raised at my good friend Amanda's home with three little kids. One is a tiny baby. The baby army crawls and rolls around on the floor. Dori leans on the baby showing affection, the baby grabs her fur.. and Dori doesn't care.. these are unflappable cats.. beautiful large bone structure, large round faces and very intelligent. These all have potential for the show ring - but will make wonderful family members. Raisa: Blue with white socks - blue eyes almost certainly will be green on her first birthday.Girly Raisa (rose) (pronounced Rie - EESAA) is going to be a knock out - looks wise.. but the saliva staining on her and her siblings' fur - the dark eyes and the messy hair are disguising her true potential. Over the next two weeks we will see her start to fill out and blossom. Her white is perfectly symmetrical .. and her slate blue coat will most likely take on a pretty sheen like her mother's. Raisa had a gorgeous half-brother named Oliver who in on my COLORS page above. You can see what she may look like as an adult. Raisa loves her mama and lets the other kittens be bossy... she is happy to snuggle at this point. Tonight while I was trying to take videos and photos she fell asleep sitting up - then tucked her chin in and keeled right over on her side... curled into a ball and kept sleeping! She has great eye contact.. very alert and just not worried about anything at all. Rayna (friend). Colorpoint with white socks, blue eyes.This large girl is probably going to be a Blue point - and I'm guessing be mistaken for a Ragdoll breed most of her life. She is large boned typical of her pedigree.. and very 'aware' of her people and activities. More photos coming... and note the new videos do show off her sweet nature and fluffy coat . Because neither Dori nor the sire Anatolii have tabby striping.. Rayna will most likely have only faint patterns in her coat if any at all. She is a lot like Dori - a ham for the camera... I'm pretty sure she is posing for her photos.. and loves attention! She is not worried about dogs or noises.. completely oblivious.. and full of inner peace. She is a real treat to be around. Roshan: Unusual coloring - looking more and more like a bi color or Ragdoll kitty! Blue eyes and super sweet - in your pocket personality.Roshan is a mama's boy - PEACEFUL - sweet and gentle to a "T". Roshan means Chief in Russian. He is kind of taking a back seat to all the flashy siblings and waiting for his turn to be the star. Every week the cocoa colored markings are becoming more noticeable. I think he is the ugly duckling that will turn into a swan. An example of this is beautiful (bicolor) Keisha who was born last year (Antonia was her dam). Keisha went to the vet for a check up at 14 weeks and the vet (my boss) was sure she was a RAGDOLL.. She is featured on the COLORS page .. sitting in side a paper bag. She is even more stunning today. I guess what I'm trying to stress here is that Roshan is probably a Prince of a cat.. very gentle, handsome, regal, loving, cuddly, .etc. There is not a mean bone in his body. When I pet him he just leans into me and closes his eyes. What a sweetie!!! This gorgeous colorpoint with blue eyes and four white socks doesn't have a name yet. She is so pretty we haven't any ideas.. perhaps tomorrow. Feel free to email me with ideas that start with "R". Raisa, which means Rose in Russian is the new name for this sweet girl with a tuxedo pattern. She is very girlie and will be stunning with either blue or green eyes. (Probably green). Raisa is very composed and relaxed.. she is not very vocal yet and quite content in a lap on the couch. I think she knows she is beautiful. Ruz, which means red in Russian is the new name for this boy. He is the first one to raise his head and meow when a visitor comes into the room. He waddles over to the edge of his box and says 'hi, how are you? ". He is particularly outgoing and friendly. Even though he is less than three weeks old he and his siblings enjoy being held and carried around the house. Here is Roshan. He is white with black spots and possibly blue eyes. There are faint spots on his tail, one ear and on his back. I think they may darken over time. He may end up looking very unique. We had to wash his little face ... he adores people already and he is just two and a half weeks old. Roshan is especially gentle. The photos here include Amanda and her daughter who are taking wonderful care him and his siblings. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
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