Welcome to Hanna's litter page.
Go home day is May 7th - 14th
all kittens are in their new homes.
Well they are ready physically and emotionally to go to their new homes now. Absolutely gorgeous group of kittens. Volodymyr is stunning and Ruslana (Roo) and Mila are beautiful (photo together). They had a wonderful time at their foster family and will be leaving next week. They will have the run of the house and sleep in the kitten room or my bedroom. Volodymyr, named after the Ukranian President is very snuggly. Ruslana, named after a famous Ukranian celebrity, is a heavenly creature and if she wasn't reserved already I would keep her . Mila with her big heart and loud purr and adventurous spirit is going to someone lucky on the reservation list. Mila is named after Ukranian Mila Kunis.
Mila - grey stripe on nose - female - available to someone on the reservation list.
Ruslana - lavender collar - reserved for Yael.
Here are some videos of the kittens playing. They are having a nice time with my friend and her family. Roo aka Ruslana is reserved. Mila will be offered to someone on the waiting list. Volodymyr is on a reserve but may be available later.
Socialization school has started. The kittens are being cared for at my friends house East of Portland. I'll post updates as they come in. At this point Mila is available to someone on my reservation list. Ruslana is reserved. Volodymyr is on a possible breeder hold. The kittens are going crazy over feather wand toys.
I've just got the girls here right now. The boy is camera shy today and was taking a nap. Roo aka Ruslana is SWEET and attentive. She is still doing her climbing thing.. .. and her sister is showing more dominance. Mila is also beautiful in her own way. Her coloring is still a mystery. Mila goes crazy when she plays with the wand toys and makes chirping noises. I've adjusted the go home dates to 5-7 to 5-14. I'm not sure when they will be ready to go. They had a successful trip to the vet this past week. Everyone adored them. Today they start Fvrcp vaccines. On Saturday they go to my friend's house for socializing school. They will be there for 2 weeks. Everyone loves and appreciates how wonderful the kittens are after they have been there getting showered with attention day and night.
It is all about the wand toys! Get some feather wand toys with bells and away you go. These kittens are very very playful. Unfortunately after a recent play session they got into my wand toy stash and chewed up all the feathers. Luckily I buy the wands in large quantities. On Monday they will go for their first vet check up. They will start their Fvrcp vaccines this week and start weaning and socialization boot camp next week. The girls are not currently reserved, but will be offered to those on the waiting list.
Ruslana - lynxpoint female. Sweet, playful and fun. Ruslana continues to be a climber and now has figured out to get down from high places. She is independent and gorgeous. A show quality cat.
Volodymyr - seal point male. Breeder reserve.
Mila - white plus lynx female. This pretty, mainly white kitten is big-boned like her sister. She is a tiger with the wand toys. Her stripe down her nose is darkening each week. She will be interesting looking. Fluffy and deep blue eyes. Extraordinary girl.
April 3rd, 2022
These three are enjoying climbing and playing on the cat tree and in the nylon tunnels. Mila is a mama's girl and follows mom (Hanna) everywhere. She sleeps on her side or back.. very silly. Ruslana the lynxpoint female is a REAL climber. I often find her on the top of the tall cat tree and she cries for me to rescue her as she hasn't quite got the skills to go down. Ruslana purrs when you pet her. She is the most advanced of the three. I see a lot of development in personalities after weaning and expect this to be the case with this group. Balls and wand toys are very popular. The kittens are eating canned food and Royal Canin Babycat kibble. They are pretty clumsy in the water dish. Previously Volodymyr was pooping in the food dish. He has matured and is now using the litter box successfully thank goodness.
Hanna is overly protective of her first litter. We have named them Mila (almost white) and Ruslana ( lynxpoint ) and Volodymyr (Seal point). Volodymyr is on a breeder reserve. These kittens remain large and chunky. They are using the litter box and not interested in food yet. They will be so interesting to watch as their colors develop. Grandma is holding them every morning and they love her. They use lots of eye contact and will probably be very intelligent and aware. Lovely bunch.
Volodymyr male seal point
Ruslana - female .
Mila - female
Almost all litter box trained. We have a few accidents, the boy is pooping in the food bowl. Oh well. He will learn soon. I have to laugh at this point. The kittens are developing right on track. They do not have an interest in food yet but that will come this next week. We introduced feather wand toys and they are a little bit intrigued. These kittens are a bit large and sturdy but slow socially They will go to my friend's family to be socialized after weaning.
3-13-22 Four weeks
These little cuties are starting to venture out of the box and exploring very slowly. They prefer the safety and comfort of being near Mama Hanna. This week they will taste cat food and maybe even try out the litter box! Im not sure what colors they will be yet. Purple collar and no collar are girls. Blue collar is a male.

3-6-22. Babies have their eyes open .
Mama Hanna, being a 1st time Mom, is very protective and loving. Her 3 kittens are all very fat and healthy. They have white paws and dark noses. Colors will develop over the next 5 weeks . My Mom loves holding them in the mornings after her coffee. They love to snuggle and after a meows... they fall fast asleep in the big bathrobe. These kittens are big-boned like Mama Hanna. I predict they will be absolutely stunning. Can't wait to see them grow.