This litter "Y" is all reserved for folks who are on the reservation list. 9/26
Yefrem - Reserved congratulations Stacey S., CA pick up 10/7
Yevtsii (yellow collar below) Congratulations Bri P.
Yakov below - reserved for Deb and family - Congratulations. (big kitty) Deliver 10/7
Yaxha (Dark pink collar) Reserved for April F., Orange County
Yalenka, (Light pink collar) Reserved for Wesley C., Orange County.
Description update 9/11
Yevtsii / gold collar. Great kids cat. Initiates play with siblings. Loves wand toys and ball. Will do best in a home with kids and or another cat, or dog. Will not do well left alone all day. I took Yevtsii to visit a family and he was fairly comfortable in new surroundings in 40 minutes. Then he started to pick play fights with his litter mates. They wouldn't play with him so he started 'showing off" behavior by jumping and twirling in the air.. batting at table legs and became extremely animated and made us laugh. Very fun cat.
Yefrem / striped collar . Also a great kids cat and would be best with another cat,dog or people.. very very adventurous soul. Super fun . Wand toy fanatic. Yefrem has been known to wander from room to room exploring while his siblings stay close to mom. I see this as a sign of confidence. Very , very nice cat. Yefrem will not do well if he is home alone for long days. He is busy minded.
Gold Collar Yevtsii is still nicknamed "surfer boy". He enjoys being held on my chest and is very observant. He doesn't stress much.. just takes it all in stride. He has a kink in his tail which may go away in time.
Blue Collar Yakov . is a terrific cat for kids and very easygoing. He has a steady personality like Yevtsii. Perhaps this is typical of big boy kittens too. Yakov is methodical and mellow compared to Yefrem. Yakov will be chunky .
Both Yevtsii and Yakov really like to play with wand toys, especially their yellow feather one. Yakov has big shoulders and reminds me of a football player. Yevtsii is more nimble and both are very athletic.
Yefrem striped collar has the most stamina and staying power for play. He is another great choice for kids. Yefrem enjoys the wand toys so much that he literally wears my arm out playing with him. He has a lot of concentration for his age.. is not easily distracted from the feathers.. high prey drive. He will always love wand toys and action games.
The girls.. This group is dominated by boy kittens chasing toys.. so the girls have taken up as observers except for chasing ping pong balls and climbing in the cat tree which they love.
Yaxha is a mama's girl and will change a lot when she is weaned to become more outgoing..... She and her sister Yalenka are still very much into nursing and although all of them are eating dry (Royal Canin Kitten) food the girls like to stay close to mama.
Overall this group is developing normally. The mom is relaxed and often naps amongst the toys with her body sprawled out on the floor. We do have a/c and the room is cool but the floor still feels good. Things that are a must have for this group and any new kitten: ping pong balls, feather wand toys.
Blue Collar Yakov . is a terrific cat for kids and very easygoing. He has a steady personality like Yevtsii. Perhaps this is typical of big boy kittens too. Yakov is methodical and mellow compared to Yefrem. Yakov will be chunky .
Both Yevtsii and Yakov really like to play with wand toys, especially their yellow feather one. Yakov has big shoulders and reminds me of a football player. Yevtsii is more nimble and both are very athletic.
Yefrem striped collar has the most stamina and staying power for play. He is another great choice for kids. Yefrem enjoys the wand toys so much that he literally wears my arm out playing with him. He has a lot of concentration for his age.. is not easily distracted from the feathers.. high prey drive. He will always love wand toys and action games.
The girls.. This group is dominated by boy kittens chasing toys.. so the girls have taken up as observers except for chasing ping pong balls and climbing in the cat tree which they love.
Yaxha is a mama's girl and will change a lot when she is weaned to become more outgoing..... She and her sister Yalenka are still very much into nursing and although all of them are eating dry (Royal Canin Kitten) food the girls like to stay close to mama.
Overall this group is developing normally. The mom is relaxed and often naps amongst the toys with her body sprawled out on the floor. We do have a/c and the room is cool but the floor still feels good. Things that are a must have for this group and any new kitten: ping pong balls, feather wand toys.
Yalenka / light pink collar. Pretty Princess. As this group has been dominated by boys Yalenka is often an observer ..perched in her beloved cat tree. When her brothers come to wrestle with her she bats them away with her paw. Yaxha and her sister often hang out together being sweet and looking pretty. Yalenka will do well in any kind of home but prefers some quiet time. She is one of the prettiest cats I have seen in a long time. Loves ping pong balls and feathers.
Yaxha / dark pink collar. Beautiful fairy princess. Yaxha loves quiet play with a wand toy. She and her sister wait for the brothers to tire themselves out. Then they move in to take over the toy basket. Yaxha enjoys playing with a wooden baby cradle. Gorgeous cat! Yaxha will do well in any kind of home. She is strong enough to stand up for herself when needed and calm enough to easily wait for her master to return from work.
Yakov, below reserved by Deb. H., Congratulations.
Update Aug 18th,
Yefrem, lynx point, male (striped collar) - Bold, confident, first out of the box, masculine.
Yakov, male, seal point, (blue collar). Cautious, mama's boy, vocal, observant.
Yaxha, lynxpoint female (pink collar) Dainty, princess, playful.
Yalenka, (light pink collar) lynx point, female. Inquisitive, affectionate, quiet, calm.
Yevtsii, (Gold collar) male Seal point. Another mamas' boy, sweet and relaxed.
Update Aug 6th, 2017
Yakov is the 2nd biggest male. He is a gorgeous seal point. Typical of seal points, his eyes are a brilliant blue, better seen in person. At this age, they are very much 'mama's boys' and he was too shy to look at the camera today so I held him. Normally I have a helper when I do photos so I apologize that this week's photos are slightly inferior. The kittens are all very, very plump. Mama does nothing all day except feed them and groom them. They are a very nice cuddly family .
Yalenka is a very light colored kitten at her age. She is a lynx point. She, like her siblings are happiest cuddling with mama so they are a bit shy in the photos. This is a very, very beautiful little creature.
Yefrem is a lynx point male and very "pretty". He is more active than his brothers, Yakov and Yevtsii who are much fatter. Yefrem seems fairly alert much of the time and probably will be doing a lot of "firsts" while his big brothers are relaxing.
Yaxha, lynx point female. Yaxha exudes femininity. I love her light grey colors. Time will tell if she will have darker points, or stay pale. So far she is like her siblings, in wanting to stay close to mama cat and snuggle a lot.

Yevtsii takes the cake for largest and laziest. If he continues on this path he will be quite a lapful of fluff . He is so fat that he moves slowly and methodically. Yevtsii had to have his collar loosened as he was outgrowing it ..... far in advance of his siblings. It is possible that his brothers will catch up or he will be a huge boy.